Change begins with individuals coming together to make a difference.
Your support can be the driving force behind preserving the Hill of Fare.
By joining with us, you can contribute to our efforts and help us advocate for a more sustainable energy solution that doesn’t compromise our natural heritage.

We need our voices to be heard.

The only way to stop this project from progressing is for enough local citizens to make objections to the planning application so that it is rejected by Aberdeenshire Council as consultees, which triggers a Public Inquiry, and by the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit at Holyrood, who will take the decision.

There is a lack of local democracy, our local elected members in the Council DO NOT take the decision on this application, they are only consulted. It bypasses our local democratic rights, and the final decision is taken by Ministers in Edinburgh, advised by civil servants who do not live here and who will probably never visit. Local people should have a right to be involved in a decision that impacts our lives, our homes and our peace, but we don’t.

Following the public meetings held by RES in autumn 2022, surveys were conducted by the Community Councils around Hill of Fare. These found that 71% were against the windfarm, 18% were either unsure or neutral, and only 11% were in favour.

When the surveys were repeated in June 2023, those objecting had risen to 75% while those in favour remained at only 11%. So, seven times as many of us object to this planned windfarm than are in favour of it.

Join us if you are you concerned about the impact of these turbines on the picturesque Hill of Fare and its surrounding natural beauty! If you share our mission to preserve this cherished landscape, then you need to act NOW to object to this scheme.

Nae Fare is a passionate community of individuals, living locally, unlike the landowner of the Dunecht Estate who lives and works in SE England, dedicated to safeguarding the Hill of Fare and its stunning surroundings.